Otroligt vacker film!
Jag älskar välgjorda SSO filmer och vissa kan man inte få nog av. Såg nyss en video som fina Ostis gjort. Och den är otroligt fin & Känslosam. Satt med tårar i ögonen. Manuset var skrivit av en vinnare i ostis tävling nämnligen Veronica Kingstone.
Manuset skrevs såhär
"In a far away country, there is to old and powerfull Kingdoms. The Blue kingdom in the south, and the Red Kingdom in the Northeast. Both Kingdoms are long and sworn enemies to each other, and has promised each other a war as soon as they get the chance. However, that don't prevent two young girls from meeting each other. Late in the evening, when everyone go's to sleep, they sneak out, take their horses and ride to the meeting spot where they meet every night. Under the old willow tree. They are close friends, they spend their few hours together by riding around, talking, have fun and dreaming of a future with their homeland not sworn enemies to each other. They wish they could stop meet in secret, and out in public. Even though they know it's forbidden for a man from the Blue kingdom to meet a man from the Red, they do it anyway. Friendship stays stronger than fear.
However, after a few hours the friends seperated and turn their way back home and waiting for their next chance to meet again.
But one day the war comes. The Kingdoms goes into war against each other, a war that stays for month. The girls can't sneak out during the war, the land is filled with soldiers and weapons. Being out there leads to a certain death.
After a half a year the war finally ends, thousands of human life have been spilled and there is no great glory in the peace. The girls can finally sneak out an meet each other again. The girl from the Red Kingdom comes first to the willow tree. She wait and wait for her friend, wondering why she haven't showed up. She wait for a hour... two hours... three hours... But her friend never comes.
The girl went home, and back to the willow tree the day after, and after that day. She wait an wait - but the Blue kingdom girl never comes. Slowly she's realized what have happend.
The war had took her friend, and given her the peace they always have been dreamd of. But to what price? One evning, the girl from the Red kingdom makes a monoment under the willow tree. A monoment of her friend, an all the memories they had together. She then turns around, and leave her sorrow together with her memories - under the willow tree."
Här har ni videon - glöm inte att lämna en fin kommentar till Ostis och besök hennes blogg HÄR
Manuset skrevs såhär
"In a far away country, there is to old and powerfull Kingdoms. The Blue kingdom in the south, and the Red Kingdom in the Northeast. Both Kingdoms are long and sworn enemies to each other, and has promised each other a war as soon as they get the chance. However, that don't prevent two young girls from meeting each other. Late in the evening, when everyone go's to sleep, they sneak out, take their horses and ride to the meeting spot where they meet every night. Under the old willow tree. They are close friends, they spend their few hours together by riding around, talking, have fun and dreaming of a future with their homeland not sworn enemies to each other. They wish they could stop meet in secret, and out in public. Even though they know it's forbidden for a man from the Blue kingdom to meet a man from the Red, they do it anyway. Friendship stays stronger than fear.
However, after a few hours the friends seperated and turn their way back home and waiting for their next chance to meet again.
But one day the war comes. The Kingdoms goes into war against each other, a war that stays for month. The girls can't sneak out during the war, the land is filled with soldiers and weapons. Being out there leads to a certain death.
After a half a year the war finally ends, thousands of human life have been spilled and there is no great glory in the peace. The girls can finally sneak out an meet each other again. The girl from the Red Kingdom comes first to the willow tree. She wait and wait for her friend, wondering why she haven't showed up. She wait for a hour... two hours... three hours... But her friend never comes.
The girl went home, and back to the willow tree the day after, and after that day. She wait an wait - but the Blue kingdom girl never comes. Slowly she's realized what have happend.
The war had took her friend, and given her the peace they always have been dreamd of. But to what price? One evning, the girl from the Red kingdom makes a monoment under the willow tree. A monoment of her friend, an all the memories they had together. She then turns around, and leave her sorrow together with her memories - under the willow tree."
Här har ni videon - glöm inte att lämna en fin kommentar till Ostis och besök hennes blogg HÄR
Postat av: Diana Kingrock
Åh :( älskar den <3 har nu suttit och tittat på den minst 5 gånger <3 gråter ;__;
Postat av: Jenny Osten Nightforest
Naaaw, va glada vi blir över att ni gillar den!! c':
Tusen tack för länkningen Mando ♥♥
Postat av: Emma Shortroad
Helt fantastiskt!
Man blir trollbunden direkt! :o <3
Postat av: Elise Dognhigt
Ljuvlig! Man känner sig med i filmen. Härlig!
Postat av: Rose Skystar
naww <3 gud gråter :( SÅ himla väl gjord, gud vad jag gråter så sorligt.
En väldigt bra video ♥
Postat av: Emily starpaw
otroligt fin film ^-^
Postat av: Layla Bunnyheart
Så sorgligt! gråter har säkert mascara under ögonen nu :c
Postat av: Juliette Frieondborn
Gud vad fin hur jan man tänka sig en son film jag gråter ijgäl mig till sömms
Postat av: Stephanie Seahill
Åh herregud finaste filmen någonsin <3
Postat av: Meja Westcake
Wow.. Den videon var bara bäst.. <3.. Gråter ju nästan.. :*
Postat av: Anonym
Wow.. Den videon var bara bäst.. <3.. Gråter ju nästan.. :*
Postat av: Gabrielle Kittenbrooke
Hej Amanda